Did I tell you we got a new realtor? Hope renewed.
Along with the hope came a new boost of energy to clean and declutter...
and the only room left in the house to clean out is my studio!!!
So that's my new focus and I can already tell you why I've procrastinated even
beginning on this particular room... oh my goodness! Every nook and cranny
has stuff overflowing... yikes! It's going to be a slow go but I'm in for the
long haul until it's finished... you might need to hold me accountable!!
What takes the longest is picking up every individual item and making a
decision... to keep or not to keep. If not... does it go to the trash, the girls,
gifts and giveaways, or sell. Well... I already have a pile to giveaway and
to sell so you'll be seeing some of that popping up here in the days to come.
Thank God for patient endurance and perseverance!
But for now I have a question... I've decided to pass down some silverware
that we inherited from MIke's grandmother to my oldest granddaughter...
which I think is very cool since it will be her great-great grandmother's.
It's all in a nice wooden box and in the box are these five odd pieces...
well actuallly... the second from the left is like a baby spoon from the set...
but I am so curious about the others. especially the fork and the spoon on
the far right. Michael seems to think the fork might be from army rations...
do you know??? It must have meant something enough to keep it I imagine.
This spoon is so highly decorated... it's beautiful... is this a sugar spoon?
It's even inscribed with the name "Ella" but we don't remember ever hearing
about an Ella so we're going to have to do some family investigating too.
And I don't know anything about collector spoons either but this one's pretty
cool. It of the Old State House in Boston... I'm sure not worth much but since
I know Mike's grandma lived in Mass. when they were young it might have
been sentimental to her.
See why it's going to take forever to go through all this stuff? Just sorting
this silverware opened wide the door to reminiscing about family gatherings
at "the farm" when Grandma and Grandpa were still with us.
So if you have a minute... I'd love to know if you have any information...
especially about the fluted spoon or the fork.