You're going to love the symbolism that is woven throughout this painting...
it's one of the Classic "Oldie but Goodies" that I recently added to my Etsy
store and I just can't resist telling you the "story" behind it...

In this illustration each frame of the shadowbox represents a different
aspect of you and I being keepers of our home.
The verse is an encouragement to us to know that no matter what our age
or marital status, the more we grow in the wisdom, understanding,
and knowledge of God, the more He can use us to fill your home
with the rare and beautiful treasures of His love and blessings.
The teddy bear represents the softness that a woman brings into the home
through her loving and nurturing nature.
As we meditate on the Word of God, Psalm 1 says we will be like trees
planted by rivers of water bearing much fruit... fruit that will nourish the
souls and spirits of both those who dwell in our homes and those who visit.
I love this one...
the sewing supplies speak of mending... because as women we
are called to mend many things... from scraped knees
and broken toys to broken dreams and wounded hearts.
The flowers simply portray life and the joy of the Lord in our lives.
The patchwork heart is a wonderful reminder of the many personalities
that make up a family and how the love of the Lord
can unite them together as one.
Jesus is the Candle of the world and we are called to be His light in the
darkness. The red color of the candle depicts the blood He shed so we could
know Him, love Him and shine like Him in this world.

The house is not only a dwelling place but a safe haven of for refreshing the
soul. It is a place of joy and laughter, tears and sorrow, teaching and learning,
victory and failure, confidence and fear, and caring and sharing. It is a
place for all to come and find love and acceptance...
family, friends, neighbors and strangers alike.
The church is a place for the whole family to worship and praise the King of
Kings... to grow together in the truth and knowledge of who His and to have
our hearts united as one... as a family and with other believers.
The car represents the busyness of life... running here and there, errands,
ministry, school, sports, work, go, go, go... rest! It's important for us
commit our running to the Lord and let Him establish our thoughts and
our lives so we can take time to find rest and restoration
for our own souls in order to be all that God has called us to be.
The saw and hammer imply building in all respects... the building of our
house, the building of relationships, the building of character with Jesus
as our foundation.
The separate hearts represent the different personalities within a family
and the need they have to be nurtured to become the unique individuals
God has created them to be.
The open Bible, the Word of God is the foundation of all we are and all we
seek to do. The other books there remind us to study and share His Word with
those around us.
The laundry represents all the mundane chores that must be done, day after
day after day. These are the elements of keeping house that truly bring
stability and a sense of order to all who live there. God tells us to commit
all our work to Him, including the laundry!
The pie is a sweet example of being fed within the family... but all the food
we serve, whether for the body, the mind or the spirit needs to be healthy
and nourishing... causing us to grow strong and mature physically, mentally,
and spiritually in the Lord.
My dear friends...
Thanks for letting me share this with you and... may the rare and beautiful
treasures of the Lord fill your heart and home today!!
Oh yes... in case you've been blessed and encouraged by this art and all it's
spiritual symbolism and would like to own a copy for yourself or to give as a
wedding or housewarming or just because I love you gift...
you can find it in my Etsy shop and there's also a square
version of it... with fewer frames... in my Love In Every Room book.
Love you and have a glorious weekend in the Lord!