Does the little girl in you ever jump up and down for joy?
Okay... maybe not outwardly... but how about your heart?
Do you ever become so overwhelmed by the goodness of the Lord
in your life that you can hardly contain the joy that wells up within you?
I have had a few moments like that lately when God...
...answered prayers for a friend whose test results revealed no cancer.
...revealed and healed a place in my heart I didn't even know was hurt.
...gave me the strength to endure a physically painful circumstance.
...put a song in my heart before I even opened my eyes in the morning.
...gave me the creativity to design Mr. Froggy who makes me smile...
and then brought Psalm 28:7 to mind so he could point my heart to Jesus.
And the list goes on.
So how about you? Has your heart leaped for joy lately?
Would you be willing to share it in just one sentence or two?
I love hearing what God is doing in your lives...
and rejoicing in Him with you... in His love and grace!