Almost all my Christmas decorations have been neatly packed away but
there are a few handmade ornaments that were gifted to me this year
through an ornament exchange that will remain in my studio where I'm
sure they will serve as inspiration for future creative and crafty endeavors!
Maybe they'll inspire your creativity too...

My amazingly talented daughter Michelle was the one who arranged the
ornament exchange with her friends and included me! Her cute little
Rudolph the Snow Angel can't help but make you smile with all its quirkiness!
I love how she added the house numbers of my address (which is also my
birthday) but I didn't realize the scarf covered part of it in the photo...oops!

I met Deirdra through Michelle... and she hand-delivered her ornament to
me when she came to my studio for an afternoon of Christmas crafting.
Her handiwork has such a sweet vintage feel to it... and I LOVE the color!
Her creativity shines in this little charmer!

This little cutie was from Tyler and what was so fun about hers was that she
had learned this techique from Michelle at a workshop she taught last spring
at Artfest. I love this little guy... so sweet... almost huggable!

Isn't this owl a total HOOT?!? Elizabeth made this amazing creation using a
recycled sweater... can you believe it? So creative... and so inspiring!
It reminded me of the whole "trash to treasure" theme. Beautifully done!

Janne is Michelle's friend from Norway. She has spent some time here visiting
with Michelle and I've been blessed to get to know her a little bit...
she's a darling girl and overflows with incredible creativity in so many ways!
I love the simplicity of her little house... and the brightness of the windows
made me think of "this little light of mine... I'm going to let it shine!"

I've had the pleasure of meeting Lulu once and she is delightful. What I think
is most amazing about her ornament, besides its cleverness, is that she made
these in the midst of getting ready for her own wedding on December 3rd!!

And this was my contribution to the exchange... she turned out so cute! She's
paper mache with lots of glitter... and I love the dots... and her musical tail!
I'm sad to say that I put Mystele's ornaments on the little tree in my kitchen
and I packed it with the tree without realizing it and there's still one coming
from Tammy so I have more inspiration to look forward to! I send my heartfelt
thanks to each and every woman who gave a part of herself to me this year!
And maybe next year, I'll host my own exchange... what do you think ladies?
What is so encouraging as I look over these ornaments is the variety of ideas
and the range of personality and talents that shine through! It reminds me of
how each one of us has been created so uniquely and how we can use the
gifts, talents and abilities the Lord has given to us to be a blessing to
others... to encourage them and inspire them... not only at Christmas but
all throughout the year. I hope to do more of that with you in 2012!
Lord God... we are creative only because You are the Creator and we've been
made in Your likeness. As we enter this New Year will show us how to
creatively use the gifts, talents, and abilities You've given us for Your glory...
and for the blessing of others. Thank You Jesus. Amen.