We all talk to ourselves, don't we?
I know I do... and so did David the psalmist.
Psalm 103 is one of my absolute favorites, where, in essence, David does
a little self-talk to help him refocus on the things in life that really matter.
He basically says to himself...
"Now listen self... hear me my soul. Despite what's going on in the world,
stop right now... and bless the Lord. Don't forget all He's done for you,
my soul. Think about those things and give Him glory!"
David goes on to count his blessings, naming them one by one.
So next time your soul is downcast, try this:
tell your soul to take a break from the pain, the frustration, the worries
and woes... and consider the good that is in your life, and
bless the Lord... let all that is within you, bless His holy name!
love and God-hugs...