I first wrote about Princess Love-A-Lot back in February and she's been
in my heart ever since. I recently gave her a new look
and just added hersweetness to my Etsy shop...
She made me think about all the little girls... and big girls too... who fancy
themselves as princesses and I thought maybe this little princess could help
moms share the truth of not only the blessings of being a princess but the
huge responsibility that comes along with wearing the crown. So I've decided
to include a copy of the original story {that I've also added below}
with every print order because...
If we truly belong to the King of Kings... yes... that makes us a Princess!
But not the kind of princess that sits on pedestal... expecting to be served.
And it's not a title we boast of.. or a position we brag about.
Oh no no... not in God's Kingdom!
In the Kingdom of Love-A-Lot, we are called to do just that...
That's the crown we wear... that's what's supposed to set us apart.
Loving others like God loves us... yessirreee...
loving... caring... serving... forgiving... self-sacrificing.
But sometimes our crowns slip, don't they? Maybe even fall off? Mine does.
Sometimes I'm too preoccupied with my own life to care about others.
Sometimes I let someone else's attitude or behavior change my own...
and my crown tumbles to the ground.
Sometimes my own self-righteousness knocks it off without me realizing it.
But that's not who I am... I am Princess Love-A-Lot.
So once again... I must humble myself. And asking the King's forgiveness,
I reach down to lift it up, and I realize it's not really even my crown...
it's His.
You see, that's why our crowns keeps slipping and falling off.
God's love is soooo much greater than our love!
This crown we wear in His Name is too big for us!
But as He looks at His little girls... He smiles.
He is confident we will grow into it.
So once again... we don our crowns as Princess Love-A-Lot
and we seek to be more like our Savior... loving like He does...
so others might see Him through us.
Remember... we dwell in the Kingdom of Love-A-Lot...
so check your crown once in a while to make sure it's sitting pretty...
in His Name and for His glory.
Love and God-hugs...