The sun has finally been shining here in the beautiful Northwest and
the birds.. and I... have been singing a joyful song to the Lord!
I love this verse and the song...
and it brings such a sweetness to my heart.
I hope you and your kids will sing together as you color this coloring page...
my summer time gift to you! Click here or the image to download.
And please feel free to share it with your Sunday School class, other moms,
or the neighborhood kids... let's lift up our voices and sing!
Oh I know I should have been cleaning and sorting but...
I couldn't resist coloring it myself... I hope it inspires the little girl in you
to get out those crayons or colored pencils or markers and have some fun!
I think it's even cute enough to frame and hang...
especially in a little girl's room... bright and cheerful for sure!
So have a blessed weekend my friends and remember to sing and make
music in your heart unto the Lord... for He is worthy!