Part of living creatively on purpose and with a purpose includes learning new things... and over the last few days I have done just that. I have been asking God to "enlarge my boundaries"... to give me greater opportunities to share some of the wonderful God stories He has written throughout my life. Well, one of the things he brought to my mind was a stack of CD's and cassettes from a few of my past speaking engagements that have just been sitting here gathering dust. So I invested in some software that lets me download and edit these messages and I have been deeply entrenched in and greatly challenged by this digital-world learning curve for the past few days. I wanted to share my first attempt at creating what I have dubbed... Savor This Moment Snippets... hope you enjoy!
I also hope you will be encouraged today to learn something new... something God can use to be a being a blessing to the people He has placed in your life!